Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Monday Night Raw and Sharpening your Sales Skills.

In 1991 at The 84 Lumber Company, I was taught the importance of engaging customers, "What are you building today?" is what we were trained to ask everyone who walked through our front door.

At the time I didn't realize the questions greatness, but it steers the customer to talk about their project. We were so well trained in our products that customers relied on our expertise to make sure they got the best material's to finish the job.  We also made sure they didn't leave without basic necessities like screws, nails, joist hangers or paint.  To the customer we were customer service/product experts, the exact place every sales professional should strive to be.

As a Dad in a blended family of eight (8), yes EIGHT, we are constantly working to sharpen our parental sales skills.  Most families have similar core values they want to instill in their children. We are no different, we want our kids to be respectful, resourceful, self-advocates and productive people, but when they walk into the room it is sometimes difficult to engage.  "What are you working on today"...it just doesn't carry the same luster as it did 20 years ago.

I have to work hard to engage my children and meet them right where they are in life, and trust me, the junior high humor days are some of the toughest I have experienced, I would much rather change the diapers of my 1 year old than sit through Monday Night Raw (Which I actually did last night!).

But, in order to learn about what's going on in their life I engage in knock knock jokes, punch buggy, Gin Rummy, Monopoly debates and even watching WWE !  I find the more intimate activities I do with my kids the more they open up and share about their life.  Most of the time I don't have to lead a discussion, I can just listen!

I also believe leading my kids through my actions is far greater than any lecture I can deliver.  I can talk to them all day long about respect, but what they see, is how I choose to treat people.  I have learned to choose my words wisely, remain calm and always display self-control no matter what emotions are going on inside me.  This philosophy is one I adopted in my sales career and being a father helps remind me how crucial these 3 things are in my parenting and professional life:
  1. Engage - Much like I was taught 20 years ago at 84 Lumber and in the same way I connect and learn more about my kids, I engage my customers.  I regularly read blog post about their industries, send pertinent information on business or success articles from companies that have implemented new technology.  Schedule regular coffee meetings to talk about their businesses and see if there are any challenges they are currently facing, even if I can't help, I might know someone who can.
  2. Listening - One of the greatest things a person can do is repeat back what you have heard to the person you are listening too.  This shows you are interested and you understand exactly what the person is trying to say.  There is an amazing amount of credibility that comes with someone who really knows how to listen.
  3. Lead - Customer want to work with people who are experts in their field.  I can put any title on my business card, but the real expertise comes in being an advocate of my products and industry.  I believe in taking leadership roles on committees, supporting the mission of organizations in my industry.  Where is the value in a passive membership in anything?  The real value is participating, voicing your opinion and listening to the opinions of others.
I would never have thought that parenting could be related to sales, but its become very clear to me that no matter what your background is, the "golden rule" apply's in all facets of life.

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